
Invite: Grand Opening Elsewhere Gallery in Fairfax

I'd like to invite you to attend
the grand opening of a new gallery, in
fairfax, called Elsewhere.

The opening is Friday 2/29/08,
I'll be there from 5pm - 7pm
1828 Sir Francis Drake Blvd., Fairfax, CA 94930

> http://www.elsewhere.com/Events/Gala_Opening.htm

Please don't feel obligated to come, but would love to see you.
3/25/08 from Ross Valley Reporter covering the opening

The Floor Beneath

"The Floor Beneath"
Oil on Found Panel, 5.5" x 6"

Seeking Warmth


Oil paint on broken tile, 12" x 9"

(formerly "Girl on a Plein",spelling in title is intentional)

\Plein\, a. [OF. & F., fr. L. plenus.] Full; complete. [Obs.] ``Plein remission.'' --Chaucer. -- Plein\"ly, adv.

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, © 1996, 1998 MICRA, Inc.

\Plein\, v. i. & t. To complain.
\Plein\, a. Plan.


Oil on Panel, 16" x 22"


"On The Stoop"

When one is no longer on the fence, this one's
"On The Stoop"